Our Team
Team Sandy Feet. Sept. 2019

Jerin Brust
Jerin translated the biomechanics of walking into a prosthetic design that exceeded the specifications. He designed and manufactured the unique testing fixture. He loved being able to give Sgt. Brady a fully functional device to improve his quality of life.

PArker Duncan
Parker is the team CAD expert. He used SolidWorks and Fusion 360 to make models of the team’s amazing design ideas. His favorite parts of the project were getting to be the test subject for the foot and being able to send a finished product to Sgt. Brady.

Garrett Herbst
Garrett is the team lead and point of contact for the challenger, sponsor, engineering advisors, and manufacturing sources. He says his favorite part of working on Sand Foot V2 was brainstorming new design iterations on the fly as the team constantly learned new information.

Jacqueline Chuang
Jacqueline supported the group with biomedical concepts and assisted in documenting the design, manufacturing and testing processes. Her favorite part during the whole project was unveiling the final product from the mold and being able to deliver Sgt. Brady a finished and functional product.
Our Project's Digital Poster
The Sandy Feet team would like to extend our appreciation to:
Karla Carichner, our advisor
Vanessa Salas, our sponsor
Craig Brady, our challenger
Tim Bump & Mark Oppenheimer, for assistance with research and manufacturing