
SoleMates: Prosthetic Foot Shell Failure Protection

Our project’s focus is to extend the life of current foot shells that are sold in today’s market. Foot shells enable prosthetic users to wear shoes. Currently these shells are designed in a way where they fail in less than two months if used by active people. Our team has designed an insole and external sole for the foot shell to make it more robust and double the life of the shell.

Just Kitting Workstation

The 2020 SourceAmerica collegiate design challenge required our team to create a device that will help improve the quality of life and productivity of people with disabilities working in the kitting and packaging industry. This senior project focused on the design of the kitting workstation so that it is affordable, portable, and reusable.

Adapted Exercise Equipment Achievement House

The purpose of this senior project was to design and manufacture adapted exercise equipment for Achievement House, a non-profit organization in San Luis Obispo, CA. The goal of the project is to give those with various levels of mental and physical disabilities a new way to exercise varying muscle groups. The final design included a resistance band rack, foot pedaler, and punching bag.